Monday, April 25, 2011

The flowers in St. Paul

One of my hobbies that I rarely share is my love of taking flower pictures. There never seems to be a good time to be like "oh hey you want to look at these 150 pictures I just took of flowers". I also don't upload them to Facebook much because the idea of Facebook is kinda to socialize, so you upload pictures with people in them. I rarely take pictures of people, and only slightly more often take landscape shots. I'm a little details person, and I like to take close-ups. Flowers are pretty, usually have some wonderful details when you get up close, and don't mind if I take 10 shots to get that one perfect picture.
Last spring while walking between classes on the U of M St. Paul campus I was amazed one day when the hillside turned blue. Last year I never did manage to remember my camera to take pictures. This year I was lucky, and managed to remember my camera to get a shot of these amazing blue flowers the day before it snowed. it was not an ideal day for flower pics, being kinda drizzly and overcast, but I think these turned out well.

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